Title: | /Mechanisms/Alternative_Mechanisms/Chelate_EpOH/1Al_Oh/Scan_2D/Freq/OPT2_FAIL OPT2_FAIL |
Browse item: | https://www.iochem-bd.org:443/handle/10/721 |
Program: | Gaussian 09 EM64L-G09RevD.01 |
Author: | González Fabra, Joan: Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia |
Formula: | C 31 H 36 Al 1 N 1 O 7 |
Calculation type: | Single point Structure |
Method(s): | - Grimme-D2 |
Charge / Multiplicity: | 0 1 |
Model: | PCM (using non-symmetric T matrix) |
Atomic radii | SMD-Coulomb. |
Solvent | Butanone |
Eps= 18.246000 | |
Eps(inf)= 1.901089 |